Bijzonderheden Ameland

  • Brandstof verkrijgbaar: Avgas, Mogas, Jet A1

April - oktober

  • Op zaterdagen, zon- en feestdagen zijn touch & go's PPR.
  • Controleer steeds via de NOTAMs (of via RAPCON North 122,100) of oefeningen gaande zijn.
  • Gebied A: GND-FL195
  • Gebied B: 700'-2500'MSL

Remarks Ameland

  • Fuel is available: Avgas, Mogas, Jet A1
  • Leeuwarden Approach had permanently replaced by 'RAPCON North' (122,10 MHz),
  • RAPCON North takes care on providing VFR flight information in and into the corridors.


  • On Saturdays, Sundays and holidays touch & go's are PPR

Exercise Basic Windmill

  • Regularly a Special Rules Zone southeast of Ameland will be in effect for the Basic Windmill exercise.
  • It is not allowed to enter this area without a clearance!
  • The easterly corridor is more or less blocked by this area.
  • Consult the NOTAMs (or via RAPCON North 122,100) to check whether this Area is established and active.
  • Area A: GND-FL195
  • Area B: 700'-2500'MSL